Nostradamus: A Short Thriller

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ACTOR/EXECUTIVE PRODUCER: AUSTIN NICHOLS was born in Michigan and raised in Texas from the age of 2. At 18, Nichols enrolled at the University of Southern California and simultaneously began his acting career with small television and film roles. After graduating, a role on HBO’s Six Feet Under led Nichols to the big-budget environmental disaster flick, The Day After Tomorrow.

He followed that up with Wimbledon and Glory Road. It was playing Morgan Earp on Deadwood, where Nichols met David Milch. Milch asked if Nichols would play the title role in his new series for HBO, John From Cincinnati. The very interesting and enigmatic series lasted only one season, but it left its mark on the actor.

Ever since, Nichols has been seeking out great writers and directors to work with. A string of indies followed with The Informers, Beautiful Boy, and Parkland. Most recently, Nichols can be seen on Showtime’s Ray Donovan, playing the dark and tortured movie star, Tommy Wheeler.

austin nichols, nostradamus, amy sloan

Nostradamus, Short Film

austin nichols, nostradamus,

Nostradamus, Short Film

austin nichols, nostradamus, amy sloan

Nostradamus, Short Film (The Actors)